Help me save my friend’s life!

Support Sheron Brown’s GoFundMe campaign organized by lifelong friend Danny LaFerla. Sheron, a mother of four, has stage 3 liver disease and urgently needs a transplant. Financial burden is overwhelming. Every donation, no matter the size, can make a significant difference. Please consider donating and sharing her story.

Help Me Save My Friend’s Life!

Help me save my friends life!

**Help Sharen Brown Battle Stage 3 Liver Disease**

About Sheron Brown

Sheron Brown is more than just my friend; she is a beacon of light for everyone who knows her. She is a mother, a sister, and a friend who has always given her all to those around her. Whether it’s her children—Jonesha Hall, Jamal Broad, Mike Broad, and Tonya Brown—or her brothers, Kendrick and Keith, Sheron has always been the cornerstone of support and love.

Sheron enjoys simple pleasures in life. Her hobbies include gardening, collecting unique dolls and jewelry, and restoring old purses to their original beauty. These small joys not only bring light into her life but also touch the lives of those who know her.

The Diagnosis

On June 10th, 2024, a day that was supposed to be filled with anticipation for her 55th birthday, Sheron received life-altering news. She was diagnosed with stage 3 liver disease, a condition that brought everything to a standstill. The prognosis was clear: without a liver transplant, her chances of survival were slim.

Diagnosed with Stage 3 Liver Disease

The Financial Burden

Navigating the healthcare system is a challenge in itself, but the financial implications make it even tougher. The cost of a liver transplant, along with ongoing medical treatment and associated care, is astronomical. This is why we are raising funds to cover all these crucial expenses.
Aftercare Costs for Liver Transplant
Medications: $8,000 per month

Immunosuppressants to prevent organ rejection
Antibiotics to prevent infections
Pain management and other supportive medications
Hospital Visits and Monitoring: $5,000 per month

Regular follow-up appointments with transplant specialists
Blood tests and imaging studies to monitor liver function
Biopsies and other diagnostic procedures
Rehabilitation and Therapy: $3,000 per month

Physical therapy to regain strength and mobility
Occupational therapy to assist with daily activities
Nutritional counseling for a balanced diet essential for recovery
Home Healthcare Services: $4,000 per month

Professional nursing care for wound management and medication administration
Home visits by healthcare providers for monitoring and support
Transportation and Accommodation: $3,000 per month

Travel expenses for regular visits to the transplant center
Temporary accommodation near the hospital if needed
Total Monthly Aftercare Cost: $23,000
Total Aftercare Cost for Six Months: $138,000

These costs are essential to ensure that Sharen receives the comprehensive care needed for a successful recovery post-transplant. Every contribution will help cover these critical expenses and give Sharen the best possible chance at a full and healthy life.
Every dollar raised will go directly towards Sheron’s medical expenses to ensure that she gets the life-saving transplant she urgently needs.

How You Can Help


Your generosity can make a world of difference. No matter the amount, every donation brings us one step closer to saving Sheron’s life. You can donate directly to the GoFundMe campaign organized by Danny LaFerla, Sheron’s lifelong friend.

Spreading the Word

If you cannot contribute financially, sharing Sheron’s story within your network would be invaluable. Social media, emails, and word of mouth—every bit helps to reach more people who may be willing to lend a hand.

Emotional and Moral Support

Messages of encouragement and moral support can significantly uplift Sheron during these trying times. Sometimes, knowing that people care can provide immense strength to fight through adversity.

The Journey Ahead

Sheron’s journey is fraught with challenges, but together we can make a difference. From medical appointments, treatments, and surgeries to the emotional toll it takes on her and her family, this battle for survival is an all-encompassing ordeal. Let’s break down what the road ahead looks like.

Pre-Transplant Preparations

Before the transplant, Sheron will need to undergo several medical evaluations and be placed on a stringent medication and dietary regimen. Regular check-ups and tests will be mandatory to keep her as healthy as possible until the day of the transplant.

The Transplant

The liver transplant surgery itself is a critical and complex procedure. It involves the complete removal of the diseased liver and its replacement with a healthy one. This surgery could take anywhere from 6 to 12 hours and requires a highly specialized medical team.

Post-Transplant Care

The post-transplant phase is perhaps the most critical. Sheron will need to stay in the hospital for a week or more for recovery and monitoring. She’ll need lifelong medication to prevent organ rejection, along with regular medical check-ups to ensure her new liver is functioning properly.

Emotional and Psychological Impact

The emotional toll on Sheron and her family cannot be overlooked. Mental well-being is just as vital as physical health in such dire circumstances. Counseling and psychological support will be integral parts of her post-transplant care.

The Importance of Community Support

We often underestimate the power of community until we find ourselves in situations where we have no other choice but to lean on others. Your support—whether through financial donations or spreading the word—creates a ripple effect that reaches far beyond just one individual. It brings hope, faith, and a fighting chance to someone who desperately needs it.


Support from community members often serves as the backbone during challenging times. Here are some heartfelt messages from people who have already supported Sheron’s cause:

“Sheron has always been there for me in my times of need. This is my chance to give back, even if it’s in some small way.” – Sarah T.

“I don’t know Sheron personally, but her story touched my heart. We need more people like her in this world.” – John M.

“Every bit helps. Let’s all come together to make sure Sheron gets to see many more birthdays.” – Michelle D.

Help me save my friends life!

Why GoFundMe?

Transparent and Secure

One of the reasons we chose GoFundMe is its transparency and security. Donations made through GoFundMe are protected, ensuring that your contribution goes directly to helping Sheron.

Ease of Use

Setting up and navigating the GoFundMe platform is user-friendly, making it easier for everyone to make a donation, share the campaign, or leave messages of support. The ease of access translates directly into more potential help for Sheron.

Trusted Fundraising

GoFundMe has a solid track record of trustworthy fundraising campaigns. With features like the GoFundMe Giving Guarantee, donors are assured that their contributions are safe and impactful.

How Funds Will Be Managed

Aftercare Costs for Liver Transplant
Medications: $8,000 per month
Immunosuppressants to prevent organ rejection
Antibiotics to prevent infections
Pain management and other supportive medications
Hospital Visits and Monitoring: $5,000 per month
Regular follow-up appointments with transplant specialists
Blood tests and imaging studies to monitor liver function
Biopsies and other diagnostic procedures
Rehabilitation and Therapy: $3,000 per month
Physical therapy to regain strength and mobility
Occupational therapy to assist with daily activities
Nutritional counseling for a balanced diet is essential for recovery
Home Healthcare Services: $4,000 per month
Professional nursing care for wound management and medication administration
Home visits by healthcare providers for monitoring and support
Transportation and Accommodation: $3,000 per month
Travel expenses for regular visits to the transplant center
Temporary accommodation near the hospital, if needed
Total Monthly Aftercare Cost: $23,000
Total Aftercare Cost for Six Months: $138,000
These costs are essential to ensure that Sharen receives the comprehensive care needed for a successful recovery post-transplant. Every contribution will help cover these critical expenses and give Sharen the best possible chance at a full and healthy life.

Time is of the essence. Sheron’s condition requires prompt intervention, and we can’t afford to delay. Here’s how you can help right away:

  1. Donate: Head over to Sheron’s GoFundMe Campaign and make a contribution.
  2. Share: Use social media, emails, or even a good old-fashioned conversation to spread the word.
  3. Support: Leave a message of encouragement. Emotional well-being is crucial for both Sheron and her family.

With Heartfelt Gratitude

In closing, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read Sheron’s story. Your kindness and compassion are the rays of hope that keep us going. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for considering this cause and making a contribution in any way you can.

Sheron, her family, and I are profoundly grateful for your support. Together, we can make a significant difference and give Sheron the fighting chance she so desperately needs. Let’s rally together and ensure that Sheron gets to celebrate not just another birthday, but many more joyous years ahead.

With sincere gratitude,

Daniel Laferla

Acrylic Pouring Color Combinations

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