DIY Pouring Medium Recipes

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Hey there! Have you ever found yourself scrolling through beautiful artwork online, in awe of the mesmerizing pour paintings? Well, if you’re anything like me, you might have wondered how they achieve those captivating fluid effects. That’s where pouring mediums come into play! In this article, I’ll be sharing some awesome DIY pouring medium recipes that you can whip up at home, allowing you to create your own stunning pour paintings without breaking the bank. But first, let’s get through the bot verification, shall we?

DIY Pouring Medium Recipes

DIY Pouring Medium Recipes

What is Pouring Medium?

Pouring medium is a vital component in acrylic pouring, a popular art technique that involves pouring fluid acrylic paints onto a canvas or other surface to create mesmerizing abstract designs. The pouring medium acts as a binder, enabling the paint to flow smoothly, create vibrant colors, and dry with an even finish. It helps to control the viscosity, or thickness, of the paint, allowing for better control over the pouring process.

Why Make Your Own Pouring Medium?

While there are various commercial pouring mediums available in the market, making your own pouring medium not only allows you to save money but also gives you the flexibility to customize and experiment with different ingredients and ratios. By creating your own pouring medium, you have the freedom to adjust the consistency and properties to suit your artistic needs. Plus, it can be a fun and rewarding experience to create your own artistic tools!

Basic Ingredients for DIY Pouring Medium

Before exploring specific pouring medium recipes, let’s take a look at the basic ingredients commonly used in DIY pouring mediums:

  1. PVA Glue: PVA glue, also known as white glue or school glue, is a versatile adhesive that makes an excellent base for pouring mediums. It is easy to find, affordable, and provides good binding properties.
  2. Elmer’s Glue-All: Elmer’s Glue-All is another popular glue that many artists use as a pouring medium. It is similar to PVA glue but has a slightly different composition.
  3. Mod Podge: Mod Podge is a crafting glue that also serves as a sealant and finish. Its adhesive properties make it a suitable choice for creating pouring mediums.
  4. Liquitex Pouring Medium: Liquitex Pouring Medium is a premium commercial pouring medium. While we are focusing on DIY recipes, it is worth mentioning as a reference point for comparing the results of homemade pouring mediums.
  5. GAC 800: GAC 800 is an acrylic polymer pouring medium manufactured by Golden Artist Colors. It is highly regarded for its self-leveling and excellent color stability. Incorporating a homemade version of GAC 800 in your pouring medium can yield impressive results.
  6. Glycerin: Glycerin, a clear and viscous liquid, is often added to pouring mediums to enhance the flow and create beautiful cell formations.
  7. Silicone Oil: Silicone oil is used to create captivating cells that add depth and interest to acrylic pours. It reduces the surface tension of the paint, causing it to separate and create intriguing patterns.
  8. Alcohol: Alcohol, such as isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol, is commonly added to pouring mediums to help break the surface tension and create stunning effects.

Recipe 1: PVA Glue Pouring Medium

This simple and affordable recipe utilizes PVA glue as the main ingredient for creating a pouring medium:

  • Mix one part PVA glue with one part water in a container.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly until well combined.
  • Your PVA glue pouring medium is now ready to use!

Recipe 2: Elmer’s Glue-All Pouring Medium

Elmer’s Glue-All can be used as an alternative to PVA glue in creating a pouring medium. Follow these steps:

  • Combine equal parts Elmer’s Glue-All and water in a container.
  • Stir the mixture until the glue and water are fully blended.
  • Your Elmer’s Glue-All pouring medium is now prepared for use!

Recipe 3: Mod Podge Pouring Medium

Mod Podge, a widely available crafting glue, can also serve as a pouring medium. Here’s how to make your own Mod Podge pouring medium:

  • Mix three parts Mod Podge with one part water in a container.
  • Thoroughly stir the mixture until well incorporated.
  • Your Mod Podge pouring medium is now ready to enhance your acrylic pours!

DIY Pouring Medium Recipes

Recipe 4: Liquitex Pouring Medium

While this article focuses on DIY recipes, it is helpful to be aware of a reliable commercial pouring medium like Liquitex Pouring Medium. To achieve similar results, you can use it as a reference point and adjust your homemade recipes accordingly.

Recipe 5: GAC 800 Pouring Medium

Incorporating a homemade version of GAC 800 can elevate your pouring medium. Here’s a recipe to create your own GAC 800-like pouring medium:

  • Combine four parts PVA glue, one part GAC 800 (optional), and two parts water in a container.
  • Thoroughly mix the ingredients until well blended.
  • Your homemade GAC 800 pouring medium is now ready for your artistic endeavors!

Recipe 6: Acrylic Pouring Medium with Glycerin

To enhance the flow of your paint and create captivating cells, try adding glycerin to your pouring medium. Here’s a recipe to get you started:

  • Mix two parts PVA glue, one part water, and a few drops of glycerin in a container.
  • Stir the mixture until all the components are thoroughly incorporated.
  • Your acrylic pouring medium with added glycerin is now prepared for beautiful, flowing creations!

Recipe 7: Silicone Oil Pouring Medium

Silicone oil can introduce mesmerizing cells into your acrylic pours. Follow these steps to create a silicone oil pouring medium:

  • Mix two parts PVA glue, one part water, and a few drops of silicone oil in a container.
  • Stir the mixture gently, ensuring the silicone oil is evenly distributed.
  • Your silicone oil pouring medium is now ready to create stunning cell formations!

Recipe 8: Alcohol Pouring Medium

Adding alcohol to your pouring medium can produce captivating effects and aid in the creation of unique patterns. Here’s a recipe to incorporate alcohol into your pouring medium:

  • Combine three parts PVA glue, one part water, and one part alcohol in a container.
  • Thoroughly stir the mixture until all the ingredients are well blended.
  • Your alcohol-infused pouring medium is now ready for experimentation and artistic exploration!

Tips for Using DIY Pouring Medium

Here are some helpful tips to make the most of your DIY pouring medium:

  1. Experiment with Ratios: Feel free to adjust the ratios of the ingredients in your pouring medium recipes to achieve desired consistency, flow, and effects.
  2. Test on Small Scale: Before embarking on a large-scale project, try out your homemade pouring medium on a small surface or canvas to observe the results and make any necessary adjustments.
  3. Record Your Recipes: When experimenting with different pouring medium recipes, be sure to write down the ratios and ingredients used for future reference. This will help you recreate specific effects or troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
  4. Practice Patience: Acrylic pouring takes time to dry, and the final appearance may change as it cures. Be patient and allow your artwork to dry fully before making any judgments or modifications.
  5. Explore and Have Fun: The beauty of DIY pouring mediums lies in the ability to explore and experiment with various ingredients, ratios, and techniques. Embrace the process, try new things, and let your creativity flow!


Creating your own pouring medium opens up a world of possibilities in acrylic pouring. Whether you choose to use PVA glue, Elmer’s Glue-All, Mod Podge, or incorporate additives like GAC 800, glycerin, silicone oil, or alcohol, the DIY approach allows you to tailor your pouring medium to your artistic preferences and budget. So go ahead, gather your supplies, and get ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-expression and stunning abstract art! Happy pouring!

JMO Painting

Paint Pouring Techniques

Acrylic Pour Painting_ A Beginn – Carrie Kelley

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